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Celebrating Loren Johnson on Father's Day!
Guest Correspondent • June 17, 2010
By Roena Simone Rice
Guest Correspondent.

I would like to recognize Loren Johnson on this “Father’s Day” 2010. He is the father of Jayla Johnson, Loren Johnson, Jr., and the stepfather of Freddie DeWitt. He is very worthy of being celebrated for his efforts. We hope you too are inspired by Loren Johnson.
About Loren Johnson
Loren is a dedicated and devoted father who goes above and beyond when putting in his time as a father. He loves his children dearly and is involved with every aspect of their lives, especially when it comes to sports.

I have watched him over the years as he has mastered the coaching position and took it to another level; he truly does not slack in that area. Even as a coach he takes on the fatherly role of teaching and wanting his team to be the best that they can be. He teaches them the best techniques, and more importantly, good sportsmanship. The bond that he creates with his team is one that makes them want to win.

Although he would love for his daughter to choose a sport and really master it, that has yet to happen and is becoming a serious task. On the other hand, the boys are both active in the sports world, participating in track and field, basketball and baseball.

Loren, of course, is actively involved in assisting in any way that he can. He is very supportive, either cheering them on from the stands, or assisting as a coach on the field.

Loren is loved by his children and is greatly appreciated for being the father that he is.
Happy Father’s Day!
— Benton Spirit

Deon'Dre Johnson is graduating in the Class of 2010 !!!
Congratulations Dee!!

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Ashley Hines- Miss Morgan State University

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